1. Ctrl+Shift+R (Command+Shift+R): Open Resource
2. Ctrl+Shift+T (Command+Shift+T): Open Type
3. Ctrl+O (Command+O): Show inherited members
4. Ctrl+L (Command+L): Go to line
5. Ctrl+Q: Go to the last edit location
6. Ctrl+T (Command+T): Go to supertype/subtype
7. Ctrl+E (Command+E): Go to open other editors
8. Ctrl+. (Command+.): Move to the next problem in a file
9. F3 (Fn+F3) or hold Ctrl (Command) down and click the hyperlink: Go to a type declaration
10. Alt+←, Alt+→ (Command+Alt+←, Command+Alt+→): Go back and forth through files you visited
11. Ctrl+H (Ctrl+H): Search